Date of Birth: 14-06-1997 Date of Death: 15-10-2004
HD/ED: 0:0 (free)
See his Pedigree
Soms kruis ‘n hond ‘n mens se pad en het dit so ‘n impak op ‘n mens se lewe dat die gevolge verrykend is. So ‘n hond was CH & CH (USA) Karoskloof Bayezana Naka. As kleinhondjie het hy al gewys dat hy identiteit het. As die ander kleintjies in die werpsel al lankal gaan slaap het, dan het hy nog gespeel. As besoekers kom kuier het, was hy die eerste wat hul verwelkom het, maar ook die laaste een wat vir oulaas nog aan hul skoenveters gekou het! In die skouringe in Afrika en Amerika was hy so tuis asof hy daarin gebore was. Groot name teen wie hy in die ring gekompeteer het, het hom glad nie geintimideer het. Sy entoesiasme en opgewondenheid voordat hy in die ring gegaan het, was uniek. Aan die anderkant het hy net so opgewonde geraak as dit jagtyd was. Of dit nou in die Sierra Nevadas in Kalifornië, die vlaktes van Afrika of die rotse langs die weskus van Afrika was, Naka het dit SY speelterrein gemaak. Naka se energie en lus vir die lewe was verstommend. In sy teenwoordigheid was daar net nooit ‘n vervelige oomblik nie.. Deure kon hy met gemak oopmaak, die kuns om uit ‘n skou kennel te ontsnap het hy vervolmaak en om oor ‘n 6 " hoë muur te klim was niks vir hom nie - altyd op die uitkyk vir aksie! Wat hy ookal gedoen het, het hy met passie gedoen. Dieselfde Naka wat by geleentheid ‘n bul aan die neus gegryp het en op sy knieë gedwing het, het die grootste geduld gehad met ‘n kindjie wat van hom ‘n ponie gemaak het om op te ry. ‘n Kindervriend by uitnementheid! Naka se teenwoordigheid het soveel harte vir die ras gewen dat dit baie moeilik was om hom te ignoreer. Aan die anderkant was hy in die eerste plek Niel en Justine se lieflingshond wat soveel liefde en plesier aan hulle verskaf het dat hy vir altyd in hul harte sal wees. As stoethond was Naka uiters suksesvol. In 2002 is hy aangewys as die nommer 4 Rhdesian Ridgeback stoethond in Amerika. Sy nageslag sluit in 8 Amerikaanse kampioene, een Duitse Junior Kampioen, een Suid-Afrikaanse kampioen, een Internasionale kampioen (Noorweë, Swede, Luxumburg, Frankryk, Denemarke en België) plus baie ander op pad na hul kampioenskapstitels. Tog, vir Niel en Justine was hy soos hul kind wat die wou gaan slaap voordat hul nie sy kombers oor hom gegooi het nie. Naka sal altyd voortleef in die harte van almal wat in kontak met hom was. Hy sal nes die El Capitan rots in die Yosemite Nasionale Park, Kalifornië, altyd vir ons uitstaan as simbool van standvastigheid Baie dankie Niel en Justine vir die sorg en onvoorwaardelike liefde wat julle aan Naka gegee het. Daar was maar net een soos hy! Dankie Shura vir alles wat jy gedoen het vir Naka. Spesiaal dankie vir die uitstekende huis en liefde wat jy hom gegee het. Die gemis is groot, maar ons weet dat sy nageslag vandag voortleef in 3 kontinente.
Sometimes a dog crosses one’s path that has such an impact on your life that there are far reaching consequences. Such a dog was CH & CH (USA) Karoskloof Bayezana Naka! As a puppy he already showed his own identity. He was still playing while his litter mates had long been in bed. When visitors arrived he was the first puppy to welcome them, but also the last to have a final chew at their shoe lases. In the show rings of America and Africa he was so at ease it was as if he was born there. He was never intimidated by big names in the ring against whom he competed on a regular basis. His excitement and enthusiasm before entering the ring was unique. On the other hand he was just as excited when it came time to hunt. Whether it was hunting in the Sierra Nevada in California, the plains of Africa or on the rocks along the west coast of Africa, Naka made it HIS playground. Naka’s energy and jest for life was amazing. In his presence there was never a dull moment. He could open doors with great ease, the art of escaping from a show kennel was his forte and to jump a 6 " wall was nothing to him - everything he did, he did with passion! The same Naka who once grabbed a bull by his nose and brought him to his knees had so much patience with children who made a pony out of him by riding on his back. A true friend for children! Naka’s presence won so many hearts for the breed that it was impossible to ignore him. On the other hand, for Niel and Justine he was just their beloved child who brought so much joy and love into their lives that he will stay in their hearts for ever. As stud Naka was very successful. In 2002 he was number 4 Rhodesian Ridgeback stud dog in the United States of America. His progeny includes 8 American champions, one South African champion, one Junior champion in Germany, one International Champion (Norway, France, Denmark, Luxembourg , Sweden and Belgium) plus highly pointed sons and daughters. But for Niel and Justine he was just a child who never wanted to go to bed without them covering him with his blanket. Naka will always live on in the hearts of all people who were in contact with him. For us he will always , like the El Capitan rock in the Yosemite National Park in California, stand out as a symbol of "steadfastness". Thank you Niel and Justine for the care and the unconditional love you gave to Naka. There was only one like him. Thank you Shura for all you did for Naka. A Special thank you for the excellent home and love which he received from you. Naka lives on in his progeny on three continents today!
During 1999 one of Themba and Nomsa's offspring, Karoskloof Bayezana Naka (aka Naka), was send to the USA for breeding and showing purposes.
And so it became that Naka went to stay with Shura Bugreeff DVM in Auburn, California, USA. With Naka as sire and Nomvuyo Tikkun as foundation bitch, Shura Bugreeff started her own kennel, Ukukhanya.
Along the west coast of the USA, Naka was a fierce competitor in the show ring. One of the greatest moments of my life, as a breeder, was in June 2000 when I attended the Orange Coast Rhodesian Ridgeback Specialty Show in Long Beach, California. Naka did my kennel and myself proud when he won "winners dog" on that day. At the end of 2000 Naka returned to South Africa as an American champion - mission accomplished! Naka not only left behind sweet memories of long walks on American trails, but also beautiful offspring. The Karoskloof Rhodesian Ridgeback Kennel is most grateful to Shura Bugreeff for what she did to promote this wonderful dog.
Naka at home in March 2003 (photos © by Ines Moeller)
Visit some of Naka's successful offspring
The following poem was written by Justine van Wyk on the 16 th October 2004.
Ch & Ch (USA) Karoskloof Bayezana Naka (of sommer net Naka)
Op 14 Junie ‘97 sien jy die lig en nooit weer het jy geswig
Van skoene vreet het jy geweet
Met drade klim het jy begin
Niks ontsien so het jy gedien.
Vlooie en ore of sommer net "plore"
So het jy jou lewe saam met ons begewe
Jou oubaas se stem sou jy oral erken
As die bakkie kom was jy bo-op hom
Vreeslik by die hek gedans as jy nie dadelik kry jou kans
Op die hoogtes van glorie het jy vertel jou storie
Amerikaanse kampioen Jy het dit gedoen!
Trots en fier het jy getier
In die ring is jy besing
Hier aan huis met ‘n groot gedruis
was jy altyd doenig en baie woelig
In oortreffende trap doen jy alles lag-lag
gesoek aandag van Maandag tot Maandag
Nie een minuut alleen wou jy wees, alleen
Op die bed was jou plek
Alles deurmekaar gegrawe dit was ‘n hele "palawa"
Maak jy jou nes as weg is die res
ROM? Dit was die nuwe gebrom
tien klein kampioene soos legioene
ou gesig altyd ‘n vraag en moed om enigiets te waag
sterk soos 'n bees was jy gewees
As ek met jou loop was ek genoop
om saam te waai of saam te swaai
‘N legende ‘n baie bekende
Nou’s jy weg en dis baie sleg
Ons sien jou oral gaan waar ons sit of staan
Nooit sal jy meer wag soos ‘n soldaat in mag
Ons mis jou ons huil oor jou
Ons eie Naka!